With the goal of developing the best employee-employer relationship, on 15 October 2009, Amazon’s Workers’ Solidarity Association “AsoAmazon” was born; thirty-one Amazon employees participated in its incorporation meeting, where a 5% salary contribution both from the company and the personnel was agreed upon. The first Board of Directors was elected that same year. AsoAmazon’s work philosophy–aimed at providing the greatest support to its members–was starting to develop, and service and financial business strategies were devised.
The 2012 Annual Assembly meeting agreed upon the creation of AsoAmazon’s mutual fund to provide support to its members in certain special events, without incurring additional expenses for the administration. By the end of the year, AsoAmazon had 667 members and a capital of over $1,000,000.
In 2013, different types of alliances were pursued and created to provide our members with discounts and better conditions in universities and businesses. During that year the service hours were extended, as well the service coverage by opening an office in the Amazon Calle Blancos building; the business hours in Lagunilla were extended from 6 AM to 8 PM. In an attempt to encourage the 850 members to attend the General Meeting, the first social event after the formal act was held, and at that time the members agreed by unanimity upon the creation of a social aid fund of 1% of the annual surpluses.
Seeking to satisfy the needs of the Association members, in 2015 a survey was drafted to ask members about their primary requirements; with a carefully designed strategic plan in place, one of the main challenges during this year was to foster more effective and direct communication, by strengthening the brand-new website, and to improve the physical health of our members. Donation programs, being a priority, were developed by supporting and promoting different sports activities and by developing a general donation program structure by the end of the fiscal year. With the profitability of 7.96% in 2015, capital of over $4,000,000 and 1798 members, only a few years after its foundation, the Board of Directors of AsoAmazon felt that, rather than increase the percentage of capital surpluses, it should invest more resources to create a social surplus for its members, by starting different projects for the benefit of members, including purchasing beach properties for the members and their families to enjoy.
The ongoing assessment of interest rates resulted in reduced credit rates in 2016 and increased member savings rates; the mutual fund increased the amount paid per coverage event, including first-degree relatives, the birth of a child, and member events. Even with a decrease in the investment interest rates, the end of the fiscal year showed a Solidarity Association in constant growth, with the profitability of 9.25% over a capital of more than $6,000,000 and the distribution among the 2385 members of surpluses in the amount of over 360 million colones.
The continuous evaluation of interest rates boosted that during 2016 the loan rates were reduced and the savings rates increased for the associates, the mutual fund increased the amount to deliver per event of the coverage including relatives of second consanguinity, birth of children and partner events. Even with the interest rates on the investments decreasing, the closing of the fiscal period reveals a solidarity association in constant growth with a yield of 9.25% on a capital of more than $ 6.000000 and the distribution of more than 360 million colones of surpluses between the 2385 associates.
AsoamazonIn 2017, Asoamazon becomes one of the best solidarity associations in the country and an example of sustained growth for other solidarity associations in Costa Rica. All our efforts are aimed at fulfilling the needs of our employees, providing them with comprehensive and immediate solutions, and facilitating the constant improvement of commercial, social and advocacy events, in addition to ongoing and open communication. Acknowledging the new technological era and our members’ sense of belonging have been key factors for the development of Asoamazon; at the Board of Directors level, multiple projects exist, some are under development and others are being examined, and they range from the creation of a nation-wide courier service to the construction of a housing complex. As part of a learning and expansion process, Asoamazon has improved structurally thanks to the support of a group of professionals in the administrative area and to the Board of Directors that is committed both to the social role of solidarity and the welfare of its members.