

A Solidarist Association is a small company, created by workers of the same company, in search of creating benefits for its members.
To join AsoAmazon, you must fill out the enrollment form on the website https://asoamazon.com/afiliese-a-asoamazon#form-step-1 This process might take a month and a half since the information has to be sent to Payroll for the corresponding deduction. Once payroll has proceeded with the first deduction, you will receive an email with access to the AutoGestion tool and a welcome to AsoAmazon email.
The worker’s contribution is an voluntary additional 5% established for all the associates based on our AsoAmazon statutes, it is voluntary and the employer (Amazon) is not under the obligation to provide the same amount as the workers contribution. This contribution does not generate any type of interest only surplus. This amount cannot be withdraw unless you stop been part of Asoamazon or your relationship with the company ends.
The surpluses are calculated as follows: The total surplus of the period is divided between the Total Capital (Worker Contribution and Employer Contribution) and the result is multiplied by the contribution of each associate (Worker + Employer Contribution).
You can access to your virtual ID following next steps: 1) Download the app 2) Sign in 3) Press the upper-right corner under the main menu an access your virtual ID 4) You can update your photo in the "Perfil" section, located at the bottom, of the main menu https://asoamazon-prod.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/media/eng-carnet-virtual.jpg
How to open New Saving process: 1- Sign in at your Autogestion account 2- Go to the IB Ahorro option 3- Select Creación plan de Ahorro (to open a new saving line) 4- Account type box, you must select the saving type that you want to create. 5- Account description box add a name to this saving line. 6- You can type the saving amount by bi-weekly deduction inside the Amount box. 7- Click on Procesar
- BAC San Jose Account: 917105751 - IBAN: CR47010200009171057512 AsoAmazon ID: 3-002-597421 Account’s name: Asociación Solidarista de Empleados Please send the voucher to servicioalasociado@asoamazon@asoamazon.com as soon as the deposit is done.
Payroll deductions have a timeframe from 3-5 business days to be updated in our system. During this timeframe, you might not see your statement showing the most updated information.
Bank transfers will be reflected in your account during a timeframe of 24-48 business hours after the requesting time (10 am Monday-Friday)
To join AsoAmazon, you must fill out the enrollment form on the website https://asoamazon.com/afiliese-a-asoamazon#form-step-1 This process might take a month and a half since the information has to be sent to Payroll for the corresponding deduction. Once payroll has proceeded with the first deduction, you will receive an email with access to the AutoGestion tool and a welcome to AsoAmazon email.
Quickmoney request process: 1- Sign in at your Autogestion account 2- Go to the IB Credito option 3- Choose: Solicitud de crédito / Quickmoney 4- Type the requesting amount (it must not exceed your available amount) 5- Click on Analizar 6- Click on Aprobar 7- Click on Aprobar crédito
To leave Asoamazon (disenroll), you must send an email to asoamazon-admin@asoamazon.com indicate that you want to stop being associate. Important data before the dis enrollment: • Aporte Obrero is the only one that will be delivered. Aporte Patronal is returned only when the employee leaves the company (Aporte patronal is moved to an account called Aporte en Custodia). • When you stop being associate, Amazon stops giving the Aporte patronal (5%), therefore you won’t generate a surplus. • If there is any loan with Asoamazon, it must be paid using the Aporte Obrero, If the loan is bigger than the Aporte Obrero, the difference will be charged at an annual interest rate of 24% with a timeframe of 2 years. Therefore the monthly fee could be increased.
Recast loan and change fee steps: 1. Go to IB Crédito/ Solicitud de crédito personal 2. You must not type any requesting amount 3. Go down until you see all activated credits and select which you want to modify or recast. 4. Go up and choose how many bi-weekly payments you would like to pay. 5. Click on Analizar Solicitud 6. Click on Next and Approve 7. You can check out your account status the new credit created and cancellation of the others. This process cancels the current credits on the system and creates a new one with the total amount of the other credits united. Interests will be charged until the cancellation day, due to your available amount might decrease.
The username is your ID number for citizens (10 digit format with a 0 at the beginning, ex: 0XXXXXXXXX) and DIMEX number for foreigners. In order to set up the password, you must click on Recuperar Contraseña, then the system will send you a link to your Amazon email where you can set it up.
- Bac San José: Cta: 9171057699 - IBAN: CR42010200009171057699 Cédula Jurídica 3-002-597421 Bank account name: Asociación Solidarista de Empleados.

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